Pressure on time and/or lack of training or experience can result in exit interviews becoming a “tick-box” exercise with both the quality and quantity of insight potentially compromised. If, like us, you believe interviewing departing staff is as important as interviewing those you wish to recruit then outsourcing the activity may make a lot of sense.

By conducting structured, probing, independent exit interviews with departing staff, you’ll find out more about why people are leaving. Acting on that information will help to improve retention and create a real impression that you take retention seriously.

Outsourcing exit interviews to an independent company has many benefits – not least increasing the sense that information will be treated confidentially and sensitively. Once an individual has resigned the chances are they’ll just want their notice period over as quickly and uneventfully as possible. That could well include fear of saying anything that might negatively impact their reference. This is why we believe exit interviews should never be done by the leaver’s line manager.

What is an exit interview?

In its simplest form, an exit interview is a conversation with an employee who is leaving the company (voluntarily by resigning and not via redundancy) to discover the main factors that have driven their decision to depart. In reality, it is often a potent mix of factors, not one single element, that has brought them to the point of resignation.


In a fiercely competitive jobs market, hiring is hard, reducing attrition should play a big part of your retention strategy.  However, if you don’t ask, or more importantly aren’t getting truthful answers as to why your people are leaving.  How can you address the issue and make the necessary changes?

We have been working within the HR sector for nearly 30 years and over that time have formulated 8 key areas that impact retention. During our independent exit interviews, we focus on these drivers, collating and analysing all feedback, before grouping the findings into the corresponding topic. So, you can quickly and easily see which areas are of the most concern and therefore need addressing first, which areas are potential quick wins, and which will need a longer-term approach to improve.


We have a range of exit interview services that help organisations get the most out of the process, providing them with meaningful results and data that they can act upon to make a real difference to their organisation.  Those organisations that are new to exit interviews or want to improve their offering can outsource the entire process to us.  Not only does this free up valuable time for your HR department and team leaders, it allows exit interviews to be conducted by a totally independent party, who are highly trained and able to dig deep and get to the bottom of any issues.  You will then be presented with a detailed report via your own unique dashboard that groups findings into 8 key resignation motivators.

If it is a question of capacity, that you are happy with your process, but your HR department or senior leaders simply don’t have the time to conduct exit interviews – then let us act as your overflow and we will do them your way, for you and report back on our findings.

Why you should use Chiumento for your exit interviews

Exit interviews and the results you get from them rely heavily on how, when, and by who they are conducted.  By employing our services to manage the exit interview process for you, ensures that you get truthful answers that lead to useful insight.  All Chiumento conducted exit interviews take place in the “window of opportunity” – either shortly before or shortly after leaving. They’re conducted by trained specialists who are expert interviewers. They’re not just reading from a script, and most importantly they’re totally independent. These three important factors mean you’ll get more truthful answers that help you get to the bottom of any issues and provide you with meaningful insight.

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