A quick look at the budget of most organisations will reveal that people are one of the top three investments. Maximising the return on your investment in human resources means having the right people, with the right skills and behaviours in the right job. Our assessment services are designed to help organisations ensure the most suitable candidates are hired, investment in development and training is optimised and that future potential is identified.

Our assessment services

Often organisations want an answer to the question: “what do we have today?”. As part of our assessment services we design development centres that help answer that question and explore the potential of teams and individuals. That in turn informs development planning and people processes including career management and succession planning.

Importantly we look at behaviours, not just technical skills. We can shed light on what motivates and energises your people as well as the skill gaps that are holding them back from realising their true potential. We also use assessment techniques to explore things like team dynamics and culture – helping the organisation to value diversity and leverage previously unrecognised capability.

A key strength of our assessment services team is that they are totally independent – we are not tied to using the materials of only a limited range of psychometric test and assessment exercise publishers. We have access to the full market and can choose and combine the right tools for each individual assignment.


Assessment services for selection

Recruitment is an expensive and potentially high-risk activity – especially if you rely solely on interviews. We specialise in designing assessment centres that significantly increase the validity of your process by introducing tools ranging from psychometrics to cognitive ability tests and structure presentations. We can also provide assessors and/or train you own team so that you are self-sufficient.

Assessment service for development

How good are your existing people and what potential do they have to drive the business forward? Chiumento has significant experience in designing assessment centres that both highlight training priorities and provide invaluable insight into processes such as succession planning.

Assessment services for team performance

A high performing team is much more than a collection of talented individuals. We use assessment tools to identify what is holding teams back and to help them develop a way of working that harness the full potential of the group.

Assessment services for M&A

Thinking of acquiring another business? Chances are a big part of the value of your target is the quality of the team you will be inheriting. Just how good are they? And will they fit into the culture of your existing business? Or do they represent a significant flight risk?

Our assessment team

Our assessment services team range from Chartered Occupational Psychologists to experienced practitioners who are either British Psychological Society accredited (via the Register of Qualification in Test Use) or hold certification in specific products (for example MBTI, OPQ, 16PF etc) from the relevant test publisher.

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